Dental Veneers in Paramus

What are Dental Veneers?

Paramus dental veneers are a popular cosmetic dentistry treatment that can transform your smile in just a few appointments. These thin, custom-made shells are crafted from porcelain or composite resin and are designed to cover the front surface of your teeth. Dental veneers are used to correct a variety of dental issues such as discolored, worn down, chipped, broken, misaligned, uneven, irregularly shaped teeth, or gaps between teeth. They provide a natural tooth appearance and are stain resistant, which makes them a superior choice for those looking to enhance their smile with cosmetic dentistry.

Dental Veneers in Paramus

Did you know…

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Dental veneers can last up to 15 years with proper care.

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The Dental Veneer Treatment Process

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Consultation and Treatment Planning

The first step towards getting dental veneers is a consultation with your dentist. During this appointment, Dr. Viccaro or Dr. Lo will examine your oral health to ensure you're a suitable candidate for veneers. They will discuss your aesthetic goals, explain the procedure in detail, and answer any questions you may have. They might also take X-rays or make impressions of your mouth and teeth.

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During your second visit, your dentist will prepare your teeth for veneers. This involves removing about half a millimeter of enamel from the tooth surface, which is roughly equivalent to the thickness of the veneer to be added. Next, your dentist will make a model or impression of your tooth. This model is sent out to a dental laboratory, which constructs your veneer. It usually takes 2-4 weeks for the veneers to be ready.

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Once your veneers are ready, your dentist will place each veneer on your teeth to check their fit and color. They may remove and trim the veneer to achieve the perfect fit; the color can be adjusted with the shade of cement used. Your teeth will then be cleaned, polished, and etched to roughen them up for a strong bonding process. Special cement is applied to the veneer, which is then placed on your tooth. Once it's in the correct position, your dentist will apply a special light to the dental veneer, which activates chemicals in the cement causing it to harden quickly.


The Benefits of Dental Veneers

Enhanced Aesthetics

Dental veneers provide an immediate transformation to your smile. They are custom-made to match the natural color of your teeth, making them a perfect solution for people with stained, chipped, or misshapen teeth. They can also be used to close gaps between teeth.


Dental veneers are incredibly durable. They are resistant to stains from coffee, tea, wine, and even cigarette smoke. With proper care, they can last up to 15 years.

Minimal Enamel Removal

Unlike crowns or braces, dental veneers require minimal tooth structure removal. They are a less intrusive option and can be a great solution for improving the appearance of your front teeth.

Did you know…

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Porcelain veneers are more stain-resistant and mimic the light-reflecting properties of natural teeth better than resin veneers.